8. Links - to other Websites

The Websites of other webmasters must not reflect the opinion this Homepage.
But sometimes parts of other websites are useful for a better understanding of some topics and questions of this homepage. It is not the intention of this homepage to make advertising for the other sites.


The critical discussion of the financial laws in capitalistic societies does not imply sympathy with anarchism or nongovernmental violence. The seperation of governmental powers is necessary for a fair and a satisfying order of a modern nation.
You can help. Senden us please the Links of interesting Websites !
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Links from other social-economic and financial and political websites

www.USbig.net   The basic income guarantee (BIG) is a government insurance
www.basicincome.org   A european network towards Basic Income for everbody
www.progress.org   Many progressive ideas for economy and society
www.cesj.org   Center for Economic and Social Justice
www.EconomicDemocracy.org  The people who work in the Mills ought to own them
www.Interestfreemoney.org  Think tank for a stable and interest-free currency
www.monetary.org  American Monetary Institute
www.democratic-capitalism.com  The Carey Center for Democratic Capitalism
www.neweconomics.org  Time banks for saving and jubilee years for the debtors
www.urpe.org  Union for Radical Political Economics
www.geonewsletter.org  Grassroot Economic Organization
www.attac.org  Association for the Taxation of financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens


Links to statistical sources

www.deutsche-bundesbank.de   German central bank, Frankfurt, Germany
www.ecb.int   European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
www.federalreserve.gov/releases   Federal Reserve Bank, Publications, New York
www.bis.org/index.htm   Bank for International Settlement, Basel, Switzerland
www.worldbank.org/data   International Statistics of the Worldbank, New York
www.imf.org/external/pubind.htm   Publications of the International Monetary Fund, New York
www.oecd.org   OECD Organization for economiy, Cooperation and Development, Paris
www.globalfinancialdata.com   Global Financial Data, collects and sells financial data, Los Angeles